They allowed me to see my daughter today. The training facility is a three hour drive from my house. The long trip really gave me some time to reconcile my thoughts, and reflect upon the dynamics of my life. Why wasn't this tragic political and societal transformation forseen and prevented? What can be said about any notion of democratic sustainability when greediness ultimately prevails?
The State controls everything now, and with a lead fist. I can remember making the same drive into what was New York at the time, some fifteen years ago. The long stretches of forest and grassland accompanied by town and city- a true mark of freedom and the oppertunity to live peacefully.
The scenery now is that of the Great Depression, an awful, modernized one, at least. Towns and cities destroyed, familial entities torn apart, and certainly no chance at starting a business or accruing any type of wealth. Your property is the State's property. You don't produce for your family, you produce for the State, and the State redistributes. You don't fight for freedom, you fight for the State, for the ruthless bastards who mush your brain with Aderall, dehumanize you, and then compensate by destroying your family and your life.
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